Everyone is different and if your medical condition isn't listed, you can still benefit from the support and reassurance that MedicAlert provides.

In an emergency every second can count. It is essential that you get the appropriate treatment quickly and accurately, regardless of your condition, so that the situation does not worsen or become life-threatening. 

MedicAlert can also help by alerting first responders to any other what medication you might take as well as contacting any emergency contacts you have listed in your record.


During an emergency

medical id bracelet worn on a wrist.

MedicAlert supports you

medical information support

By relaying information


To ensure fast accurate treatment

How does MedicAlert help?

MedicAlert supports you via our membership service and custom-made medical ID jewellery. Our jewellery enables emergency professionals to gain vital information from your secure emergency personal record.

MedicAlert membership costs only £32 per year; less than 10p per day, providing you with life-saving services and peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

  • MedicAlert jewellery is always worn on your pulse points, and the front of each disc carries our international medical symbol; this ensures it's spotted promptly in an emergency
  • The back of the MedicAlert disc would be engraved with your vital details, our emergency telephone number and your unique membership number used to identify your personal record
  • The emergency line is available 24/7, 365 days a year to first responders, police and healthcare professionals with translation services in over 100 languages and dialects. Wherever you are in the world, we can support you.
  • Your personal record is as unique as you, with the flexibility to hold a variety of information such as:
    • Health related conditions
    • Allergies
    • Medications
    • Scanned documents i.e. if you have an implant or pacemaker / ICD Advanced Decisions
    • Emergency contacts so your loved ones will be notified quickly

Button - How to join

Button - How does it work?

You may benefit from MedicAlert if:

You have a hidden medical condition or allergy
You take regular medication or depend on medications in certain circumstances

Member stories | Kate Bradstock

Read about Kate, her love for Falconry and how she feels about MedicAlert.

Read member story

Bespoke engraving

Every MedicAlert disc is custom engraved with your conditions or medications, each as unique as the individual.

Read more about our jewellery

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