Live better with MedicAlert

If you live with a mental health condition that may need additional attention in the event of an emergency, MedicAlert can offer you the peace of mind you need, so you can feel confident to enjoy the things you love. 

Wearing a MedicAlert ID means receiving suitable treatment for your needs in an accident or emergency, whilst knowing that any additional stress factors will be taken into consideration.

Become a member from just 10p a day


two women laughing

Your information. On you. Keeping you safe.

MedicAlert IDs allow access to your vital details, this includes your medical conditions, medications, history, next-of-kin details and more. So, no matter what the emergency, you will receive appropriate and fast care. 

Ambulance icon

During an emergency...

your vital information is made available when it is needed most.

Wrist ID icon: Illustruation of a MedicAlert bracelet on a member's wrist

Your ID is the key...

providing your most crucial details and pointing to your full record.

Nurse checked record icon: Illustration of computer and a nurse on the screen

Your full record...

is just a phone call away, 24/7, for those looking after you.

Accuracy saves lives icon: image of heart and dna

Speed keep you safe...

to get you home faster or receive the right treatment for your conditions.

Whatever mental health condition you live with, from depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), eating disorders or phobias, your vital information will be available when every second counts. 


"When you have an invisible illness, a MedicAlert bracelet takes away all the stress of being unable to tell people what is the matter with you. Highly recommend joining and it's also easy to manage your details online. Small price to pay annually for no anxiety and stress." - Sheelagh Doran

Medical IDs to keep you safe

A close up of our member Bex's wrist, showing her classic Stainless Steel bracelet: MedicAlert for Bipolar Disorder

Bex's Story

"Wearing my bracelet gives me and my family peace of mind that, should I go missing again, someone would realise I am unwell and treat me accordingly." 


Our member Rebecca Harvey with her: MedicAlert for Endurance Bracelet

Rebecca's Story

"MedicAlert has helped to ease my anxiety, by knowing that the relevant people will have access to my details."


Why is MedicAlert the best solution for you?

Illustration of female nurse
Nurse Checks

Ensuring your full record is medically sound, prioritising your details and spotting errors.

Illustation of a family holding hands, father, mother and child
Nominate advocates

Nominate one or more loved ones or carers to help manage your MedicAlert record.

Document storage

Store copies of all critical medical files, such as Advance Decisions or hospital letters.

Illustration of three arrows going around a circle, with 24/7 and 365 inside it
Emergency Helpline

Always just a phone call away, our emergency line is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

96% of our members stay with us year-on-year, because they value our service.
Illustration of piece of a paper next to a pen
Updatable Record

Update your record as often as required, to allow for developing conditions or new details.


MedicAlert supports over 11,000 different conditions and understands that most people live with multiple medical conditions or needs.

Research has shown that there is an overlap of people living with mental health conditions and people who are neurodivergent.

If you would like to find out more about how we support those living with neurodivergence, please click below.


Join MedicAlert

Join MedicAlert by following the steps below but, don't forget, we're just a phone call away if you need any help. 

Create account

This provides online access to view and change your record at any time.

Add medical details

Including allergies, conditions, medications, history, documents and contacts.

Choose a medical ID

Our collections include stainless steel, fabric, silicone, silver and gold.

Illustration of female nurse

We check your record

Our in-house Registered Nurses ensure your record is medically sound.

MedicAlert membership costs less than 10p a day, with a wide range of medical ID jewellery at affordable prices. 

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