Name: Jacob Clark

Condition(s): Haemophilia

Wears: Heritage Bracelet, Sports Band

Fun fact: Wolverhampton Wanderers fan

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At eight years old Jacob, wears his MedicAlert bracelet with pride.

He tells us that he has Haemophilia B and cannot be given aspirin. This is engraved on his Medicalert sports band disc,so it can be seen by his teachers if he has an accident and cuts himself.

Mum Eloise tells us that Jacob wearing MedicAlert jewellery gives her peace of mind that when he is away from her, whether it be on a school trip or when he is at one of his various clubs, the leaders there have access to Jacobs details should there be an emergency.

Jacob also tells us that his mum thinks it’s really cool!!

Watch Jacob's member interview below

Jacob Clark


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